Why PeteWhoDidNotTweet?

Well you can blame DBAKevlar.com for that! Plus the fact that I really just don’t get Twitter.  If I’m gonna say something that’s of interest, it’s gonna take me a lot more time than that silly 140 character limit (so there, you’re forewarned!) So when I refused to let people know what my Twitter handle was (yes, I do have one, but only for work!), Kellyn shared that wonderful hashtag with me – #PeteWhoDoesNotTweet. 🙂

Then I changed roles at Oracle. My new role combines many years of work in both the database and Enterprise Manager arenas to being a database architect in the Database as a Service group in Enterprise Manager Product Management. My new role involves being the social presence for the group, both virtually as well as physically at conferences, as well as writing whitepapers, presentations and so on to exploit database features in DBaaS.

And of course, if you are going to be the social presence for a group, then I guess you gotta Twitter. So that noise you hear is me being dragged, kicking and screaming, into the TwitterSphere, and as a result I’ve reluctantly changed the domain from petewhodoesnottweet.com to petewhodidnottweet.com. 🙂


  1. I *knew* there was a reason for all that walking frame apparatus I saw you with a few weeks ago!
    (ps: congarats on the new role!)

  2. A few Folks keep tweeting me that I should write more entries in my blog and then just reference that in my tweets. They might be right.

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